Policies & Procedures
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Spanish
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Arabic
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Vietnamese
- Virtual Discipline Policy and Code of Conduct for Parents and Students
- Jefferson Parish School Board policies
- Parental Consent for Student Internet Use
- Bullying Report Form
- 2023-2024 Pupil Progression Plan
- 2024-25 DRAFT - JP Schools Pupil Progression Plan
East Jefferson Policies & Procedures
2023-2024 Student Parent Handbook (CLICK HERE)
Accidents & Insurance
The school is responsible only for immediate First Aid.
We urge you to avail yourself of the protection afforded through school insurance. You will be given information regarding various insurance plans during the first few weeks of school.
In the case of an accident no matter how minor, the student must report the incident to the teacher immediately. In the case of a severe accident or acute illness, reasonable emergency care will be given and the parent will be notified.
Activity Periods
Activity periods are scheduled throughout the year. At the beginning of Activity Period, students who do not attend activity are to remain in class. Upon notification, students will be released to attend the scheduled activity. At the conclusion of Activity Period, students are to report to the next class.
1. Talking in the morning tardy line will result in detention.
2. Any combination of 5 periods of absence or morning tardiness equals 1 day of absence.
3. General doctors’ notes will not be accepted for tardies and absences. All notes must be for a specific date.
Whenever a student is absent from school, on the day of the student’s return, the student will bring a written verification from a physician, parent, and/or other extenuating circumstances stating the reason for absence. This note is to be given to the attendance clerk who shall issue an excused or unexcused admit slip. Doctors notes must be turned in within 5 school days from the date of the absence. The student will take the admit slip to each class and each subject matter teacher will initial it. The student must return the admit slip to the attendance clerk. REGULAR ATTENDANCE is one of the most important factors of success at East Jefferson. Attendance is checked very closely, with parents being contacted by the school for absences.
Students will be expected to be in attendance every day scheduled by the Jefferson Parish School Board. In order to be eligible to receive grades, high school students will be in attendance a minimum of 160 days per year. The only exception to the attendance regulation shall be the delineated extenuating circumstances that are verified by the supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance.
Any student absent from school may not participate in extra curricular activities that day.
Extenuating Circumstances Defined:
Extended personal, physical or emotional illness as verified by a physician or dentist.
Extended hospital stay as verified by a physician or dentist.
Prior school system approved travel for education.
Death in the family (not to exceed one week).
For any other extenuating circumstances parents must make a formal appeal in accordance with the due process procedures established by Jefferson Parish School Board.
Students participating in school approved activities which necessitate their being away from school will be considered to be present. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate all make up work.
There is NO CAMPUS PARKING at East Jefferson for students. The only available area is on Phlox Street, in unnumbered slots.
Students are NOT to park in the numbered faculty zones on Calumet Street or on Phlox Street. Violations of this directive will result in suspension.
Students are to remember that we are imposing on the school neighborhood, and every effort should be made to conduct yourselves as respectable young adults.
Book Bag Policy
No cloth or fabric book bags or back packs or similar fabric (non-see-through). Only clear or mesh bags are permitted. No excessively large purses or sports bags.
Purses: No larger than 8 X 12 inches X 4 inches
1st offense – Warning and call home (PURSE MAY BE CONFISCATED.)
2nd offense – Detention
3rd offense – Suspension
Bulletin Boards
Students are not to post anything without the approval of the principal. Paraphernalia of any sort is not to be brought to or distributed on this school campus without the approval of the principal.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature, adult manner at all times. Good conduct and good eating habits ARE TO be exercised at all times.
Students are to enter the cafeteria by way of the main doors.
Single file lines are to be used by students approaching the serving lines.
Cutting in line is subject to disciplinary action.
No soft drinks–carton, bottles, cans, etc., may be brought into the cafeteria at any time
Reasonable conversation tone is expected.
After eating, students are to clean their area of paper and spilled debris and dispose of trash properly.
Food and milk are for consumption only; students who do not wish to eat the meal are to leave the food on the tray and dispose of the food in the proper manner.
It is against Federal Guidelines to bring commercial food (McDonald’s, Wendy’s, etc.) on campus.
Persons presenting checks which are returned by the banking institution will be charged $15.00 per check.
Classroom Behavior
Respect others (administrators, secretaries, teachers, custodians, and fellow students) and you will be respected.
Disruptive behavior in the classroom that might prevent you or your classmates from learning will not be tolerated.
Verbal and/or physical abuse directed to any employee of the Jefferson Parish Public School System can result in suspension for the remainder of the year.
Don’t argue with teachers, follow classroom directions, complete class assignments.
Never refuse to respond to the instructions of a teacher.
Never put your hands on a teacher or a student in jest or anger.
Never use obscenity or profanity.
Be prepared to work with the proper equipment, i.e., paper, pencil, books, etc.
Food and drink are not permitted in classrooms.
Clubs & Class Councils
There are many activities sponsored by the school which offer the student body an opportunity to share in the growth of the school. However, no organization or club will be permitted on this campus without a faculty sponsor and approval of principal.
IF YOU ARE interested in joining a club, contact the respective club advisor.
NOTE: Suspension for discipline reasons may result in the removal from office of any club or class officers or loss of club membership.
Participation in extra curricular activities is a privilege. In order to participate in these clubs, a student must meet academic eligibility requirements.
Twenty-four hour parental notice is all that is required. Refusal or failure to serve detentions could result in suspension. It is the responsibility of the student to reschedule a detention before the appointed time if there is a sufficient reason for rescheduling. He/she must contact the discipline office or teacher immediately upon his/her return to school to reschedule or he/she could be suspended for failure to serve the detention.
Expenditures by Special Groups
All fund raising at or for East Jefferson High School or for any special group at EJ must have prior approval of the principal.
Any expenditures or purchases by any group must be written on a purchase order PRIOR TO ORDERING. The purchase must be approved by the principal after consultation with the accounts clerk regarding available funds. A purchase order may be obtained from the school accounts clerk. Only faculty members may obtain purchase orders.
Gifts to faculty members by individuals or groups should not be costly.
No one is permitted to sell ANYTHING on campus without the written permission of the principal.
Each campus organization has a copy of fund raising guidelines approved by the principal.
Forged Physician’s Note
Students submitting a forged or altered doctors note may be suspended for up to 9 days.
No P.D.A. (Public Display of Affection)
No Hugging or Kissing is allowed on campus.
Homework Policy
Homework will be assigned in all disciplines. Home assignments will be evaluated and graded for completion, consistency and quality. This grade will account for a maximum of 10% of the student’s grade.
Honor Graduate Criteria
Student must have earned a cumulative four-year G.P.A. of 3.5 or better.
There is no infirmary, there is no full time school nurse. If a student needs to take medication while on school grounds, the policies and procedures set forth by the JPPSS must be followed. (See Procedures and Policies for Parents and Students.)
Late Arrivals
Any student who arrives after 7:15 a.m. must check in at the Attendance Office immediately upon his/her arrival on campus. Failure to check in will result in suspension. ALL UNEXCUSED LATE ARRIVAL TARDIES WILL BE COUNTED IN THE TOTAL HOMEROOM TARDY COUNT.
If you have to use the library during the school day or during the lunch hour, a library pass properly filled in and signed by a teacher is necessary. Students are responsible for library books which are on loan and must pay for lost or damaged books.
Lockers are provided for your convenience and you are accountable for the condition in which they are kept.
Lockers are the sole property of East Jefferson and are subject to inspection by authorized personnel at any time.
You are to provide your own lock and are solely and totally responsible for everything in your locker.
Any change of lockers must be authorized by the homeroom teacher who will document the change.
Students are not to leave the school grounds during lunch or at any other time. Disciplinary action will result if this rule is not followed.
Off Limits/Restricted Areas
The areas listed below are restricted and students who violate these areas could be suspended:
Shell/Service Road on West Side of school grounds.
Porch and ramp of auditorium.
The stadium area during the regular school day (excluding the ROTCarea for members).
The outside stairs (meaning all stairs that exit to Calumet at South side of building) are off limits, unless there is an emergency. Always use inside building stairs.
The inner quadrangle of the main building prior to, after school, during the exchange of classes, and during lunch.
All halls during lunch periods.
Behind the Gym during lunch.
Corner by Book Nook and fence during lunch.
Any area a student is not authrorzied.
Academic Games, Band, Distributive Education (DE), French Club, Future Homemakers of America, Library and Media Club, Mu Alpha Theta,
National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Speech Team, T.I.C.E., Yearbook (The Warrior).
Cheerleading Squads, Chess Club, Dance Team, Freshmen Class Council, Junior Class Council, Key Club (Kiwanis Youth Group), Prep Quiz Bowl, R.O.T.C. Drill Team, Science Fiction Club, Senior Class Council, Sophomore Class Council, Student Council, Tri Hi-Y.
Students must use the pass provided and documented by the teacher.
Students are allowed to use the bathrooms during the change of classes .
The pass is used only as permission to be excused during class time.
The teacher has the right to refuse a pass if in his/her opinion the student is abusing the privilege except in the case of a medical certificate or emergency.
After the tardy bell has rung for each class, no student will be permitted to be in the hall unless he/she has a signed pass by his/her teacher. The pass must have the following information: Student’s name, destination, date, time, and teacher’s signature.
Students leaving early must have a permanent pass from the Assistant Principal.
Personal Safety Guidelines
Each student should follow these recommended instructions:
Report all “strangers” or people you know should not be on campus immediately (no pass needed) to the main office.
Do not go into the stadium area unless escorted by a teacher.
Be alert to people acting suspiciously and note how they are dressed so that you can describe them in event of trouble.
Do not bring large sums of money on the campus or other valuables such as expensive watches, computers, radios, etc.
Do not leave your belongings where they can be stolen.
Be careful in the gym with your valuables as items can be stolen from clothing left on the bleachers and in unlocked lockers. See your coach to protect your valuables.
Those of you who drive to school–lock your car and secure personal items.
Above all, report any stolen items or suspicious people to the main office.
Bring an extra padlock for use in gym lockers.
Students WILL NOT LEAVE CAMPUS for the purpose of taking or obtaining material from their vehicles during the scheduled school day. Students will not leave campus before the end of their scheduled school day, unless excused by the office. Student(s) who must do so, must pick up an OFF CAMPUS PASS from the attendance office prior to leaving.
Phone calls or messages to students during school hours will not be honored other than for emergency. Emergency will be determined by the administrators and verified. PARENTS MUST CALL THE SCHOOL IF THEIR SON/DAUGHTER WILL BE ABSENT.
Policy on Cheating
Cheating is a serious offense. Cheating is defined as any unauthorized help on a test or assignment that will be graded, or on a standardized test or competitive examination. It includes giving answers to another student, receiving answers from any source, or using notes, books, or calculators when they are not allowed.
Penalties for cheating may include all of the following:
A referral documenting the incident will be filed with Pupil Services and will become a part of the student’s permanent record.
An “F” or a zero will be given on the test or assignment in question.
A student with a record of cheating may be ineligible to hold any position on this campus where character is a requirement. Any student who already holds one of these positions may be removed from office or membership.
A student with a record of cheating may not be eligible for faculty recommendations for scholarships, awards, or special programs based on character.
Principal’s Scholar Criteria
When computing grade point averages for a student’s four year high school program, all regular policies and procedures of the Jefferson Parish Public School System will be followed.
However, for a student to be so deemed “Principal’s Scholar” he/she must have met the following criteria over and above the regular curricular work.
Those students who have the highest grade point averages and have met these criteria shall be so deemed “Principal’s Scholars.”
Must have successfully completed a minimum of any seven Honors units.
Must have successfully completed at least English IV.
Must have successfully completed Advanced Math.
Must have successfully completed Chemistry.
Must have successfully completed two Foreign Language units.
Must have earned a cumulative four-year grade point average of 3.5 or better with no final grade less than a “C.”
Must have attended East Jefferson High School the two years immediately prior to the year of graduation.
Must complete all other graduation requirements as set forth by the State of Louisiana and the Jefferson Parish Public School System.
Prior to School
All school buses will enter the school grounds by way of Phlox Street. Buses will drive to the back of the school gym and students will exit from the bus behind the gym.
Students who drive or walk to school must enter the campus immediately upon arrival. Students guilty of any of the following violations of school policy will be suspended:
Stopping at nearby businesses or homes instead of entering the campus .
Remaining in cars or in parking areas instead of reporting on campus.
Leaving the campus to re-enter the parking area without written permission to do so.
Loitering in the neighborhood or on the sidewalk outside school. This applies to both before and after school.
Progress Reports
Students may receive progress reports if arrangements are made through the school counselor. Parents must contact the counselor and request progress reports in writing from the student’s subject area teachers.
Radios, Tape & CD Players, IPODS
Students are not permitted to bring cell phones, beepers, radios, CD players, MP3, IPOD, (or IPOD-like devices) or any electronic devices to school. This contraband will be confiscated and returned to parents ONLY after a conference. Any contraband not picked up by the end of the school year will be given to a charitable organization.
1st Offense – parent conference
2nd Offense – parent conference and detentions
3rd Offense – suspension
Reduced Schedules & Off Campus Programs
All students with reduced schedules, (Lab Tech II, DE, T & I, and Trade School) must have the necessary verification secured from the principal’s office to leave campus.
Regulations — Discipline of Students
Depending on the nature and circumstances of the offense, a student who violates parish, school, or classroom regulations may be subject to:
Reprimand and warning
Corrective assignment
Behavior Report
Detention and/or probation — parent or guardian will be notified 24 hours in advance via detention notice. A student who rejects detention is subject to suspension.
Work detention
Suspension – Any student, after being suspended by the principal on 3 occasions for committing any of the offenses listed during the same school session,shall on committing the fourth suspendable offense, be expelled from the public schools of Jefferson Parish until the beginning of the next regular public school session (subject to the review and approval of the local school board.)
In addition to parish and school regulations, students are accountable for specific regulations found necessary by individual teachers.
The administration stresses that infractions of school regulations or any other unacceptable conduct will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Rest Rooms
These rooms are provided for the comfort of our student body, and students are asked for their consideration and help in keeping them neat and clean. IT IS NECESSARY THAT YOU HAVE A PASS TO USE THESE FACILITIES except at the exchange of classes. Loitering in dressing rooms or any unauthorized area is prohibited and punishable by suspension.
Schedule Changes
Your schedule will not be changed at any time unless the teachers, counselors, and principal approve. No schedule changes will be made after the eighth (8th) day of each semester.
If an error in your schedule has been made by East Jefferson, fill out a “Student Schedule Request Form,” giving it to your homeroom teacher. A “Class Schedule Change” will be forwarded to you from your homeroom teacher if the change is approved.
Only bona-fide errors will be corrected. Young adults make decisions and profit by learning to live with them. These announced procedures will be strictly followed .